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“Don’t wait for extraordinary opportunities. Seize common occasions and make them great.” – Orison Swett Marden

images1The common things in life are really quite extraordinary.

Most of us take every day things for granted and don’t even notice their value until we lose them.

When I was 19, I thought it would be a great idea to play two-on-two tackle football in a parking lot.

I may, or may not, have been a tad tipsy at the time.

Doug was on my team. He weighed about 130 pounds in wet clothes.

Our opponents weighed 200+ pounds each.

Long story, short; I was charged as if by a raging bull.

My body flew into the air like a cannon ball.

And I landed somewhat sideways on my right bent-in-an-unnatural-way leg.

Thankfully, I didn’t break anything.

But I tore some ligaments, and bruised some muscles and my knee swelled up to twice its size.

I wanted nothing more than to be able to run through a field of flowers.

Our bodies are amazing, no?


Walking and dancing and running and even brushing my teeth seems so common yet they are extraordinary activities if you really think about it.