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AS FATHER’S DAY APPROACHES my thoughts center on Dad.

(L-R) Dad, Freddy the Teddy, me, Mike and Mom

(L-R) Dad, Freddy the Teddy, me, Mike and Mom

Dad – the man whose feet I stood on as a little girl when we danced.

The man who brought me to watch as the dentist worked on his teeth because I was afraid. He wanted to show me there was no reason to be afraid.

And when I finally allowed the dentist to give me a needle, Dad – the man who took me out for a rare glass of Coke so he could watch me suck it up through the straw and dribble it out of my frozen mouth.

The only man I truly trusted as a child to tend to my scrapes and cuts when I got hurt.

Like the time I dove into the lake and cut my right hand between the index finger and ring finger on a sharp rock. Oh how it bled and terrified me to see one of my little hand bones exposed.

But Dr. Schwenk came to the rescue, binding my fingers tightly together with gauze in the hopes that he might spare me a doctor’s visit and possible stitches.

I looked at my scar today Dad, before I sat down to write this post; it reminds me of how safe you made me feel as a child.

I thought you were the handsomest, coolest Dad ever. In many ways you were my hero and still are.

It makes me laugh to think about how many years of ties, slippers and house-coats you endured as gifts.

Well those years are gone, even though they live on in my memories.

We’re all much older now.

It seems so unfair that now it is you who suffers with pain caused by Osteoarthritis and the fusing of four of your vertebrae. You of all people who worked so hard to provide for your family and made us feel so safe.

I hate that you’re in pain.

I hate that you can barely walk or sit up because of pain.

I hate how it messes with yours and Mom’s plans of what retirement would look like.

I hate that it prevents you from connecting with your social network.

I wish I had your ability to be Dr. Schwenk so that I could return the favour and make you all better, because more than anything, that is the gift I wish I could give you this year for Father’s Day. ❤


Happy Father’s Day Dad

Don’t give up. You’re a fighter. We’ll figure this thing out.

With love, Diana