

My friend and old boss, Del shared this beautiful post on Facebook yesterday. I read it and immediately knew I must choose it as my Friday Pick. Maybe because I lost Dad six months ago. Maybe because it helps me to understand Mom and the grief and fear that she feels at the loss of her husband. Whatever the reason, it felt right to share it with you. Thanks Del and thank you Christina!

In Christina’s own words:

Christina Rasmussen believes that when you experience a loss, a death, a divorce, a professional disaster, or any kind of devastating disappointment, it can be an experience that either shatters you forever — or an experience that inspires you to live, love, and create more fiercely than ever.

This week, I’ve chosen the post below as my Friday Pick.

In this post Christina shares about the fear that accompanied her grief at the loss of her husband…

Go ahead and visit the link below

and tell Christina Diana sent you…

No One Ever Told Me That Grief Felt So Like Fear by Christina Rasmussen


*I’ve closed my comments in hopes that you will leave a comment on the writer’s page*