

I am never really sure if I understand the intention or meaning of David’s  sonnets over at David Emeron,  but perhaps that doesn’t matter. I don’t know. Maybe it’s meant to be interpreted by the reader just as art brings out different emotions depending on who is viewing it and where they are in their journey.

In David’s own words:

One Day, One Introduction, One Sonnet: That will be the format. I pledge to do this every day. Forever. I realize ‘forever’ is quite a long time. Quite a boast, I know. Naturally, what I really mean is… well… I’m certain you can divine my meaning. In any event, the work here posted, will not be akin to light-hearted limericks describing my vacation in Majorca. Rather, they will concern the things in my mind. There are many such things. And many things about these things. Things I find important. Things without which my life would be empty.

This week, I’ve chosen the post below as my Friday Pick.

In this post David seems to be talking about the danger of letting a dream fade; a talking one’s self out of acting on their vision…

Go ahead and visit the link below

and tell David Diana sent you…

Sonnet V Redoubt by David Emeron Sonnets


*I’ve closed my comments in hopes that you will leave a comment on the writer’s page*