

Rachel, Rachel, Rachel! How on earth has it taken me so long to feature Rachel and her blog Rachel Carrera, Novelist on my Friday Pick? Rachel is a great storyteller and some of her true experiences seem stranger than fiction. But don’t take my word for it, check out my link below and if you like it, I’m sure Rachel won’t mind if you snoop around some more.

In Rachel’s own words:

Rachel Carrera has always been a story-weaver. And she’s been writing as long for as she can remember. But she never had a desire to turn her stories into books until mid-2013 when she dreamed her first novel, The Prison, three nights in a row.

This week, I’ve chosen the post below as my Friday Pick.

In this post Rachel shares an amazing story about gambling and intuition…

Go ahead and visit the link below

and tell Rachel Diana sent you…

No Mo’Betsss! by Rachel Carrera, Novelist


 *I’ve closed my comments in hopes that you will leave a comment on the writer’s page*