About Me

Thanks for checking out my blog! I love writing and I love conversation. It is my hope that you will not only read my posts but that you will also respond and share your thoughts and experiences with me as well – even if you don’t agree!

My life experience…..

I spent 20 years in the not-for-profit world; first as a volunteer and then as an outreach worker for street people. As the years went on I also held other positions in administration, H.R., policy, communications, community relations, marketing, fundraising, media relations, volunteerism, events and more. I am grateful, beyond words, for having had these opportunities. Now I stand at a crossroad eagerly dreaming up and anticipating my new adventure.

As a child…..

As far back as I can remember I’ve wanted to make a difference in this world. I couldn’t wait to be a grown up because I thought, then, finally, I will always know what I should be doing. I think I was 8 or 9 years old when I sat in and really listened to a grownup conversation. I was shaken to the foundation with the revelation that they too struggled with knowing what to do. I guess that’s why we need each other to make it in this world.

What I believe…..

I believe in collaboration. I believe in building community. I believe in tearing down the walls that separate us. I believe in conquering fear through love and understanding and building tolerance. I believe we all have a mission and we are equipped with the exact right talents, education, experience and passion to accomplish it. I believe that every person/skill you need is right there sitting around the table with you and together you can change the world. I believe we should enjoy what we are doing and have fun. (A good sense of humour can get you through the most difficult of times). I believe we owe it to the world to courageously step out and do our part.

Email: talktodiana2004@yahoo.ca

212 thoughts on “About Me”

  1. Diana, your summary of what you believe — terrific words!


  2. I love the blog and the desire to invest in the lives of others. Blessings on the impact you are making in the world. I would invite you to check out my blog as well. http://revheadpin.org


  3. Followed your blog. I love it. Check out mine if and when you have time.


  4. Great life story, great words of wisdom, but most of all I LOVE THOSE HATS!


  5. You are I are on the same ‘page,’ for sure. Great philosophy. And how nice of you to share my writing/philosophy/humor/love of love in my Roughwighting blog with others. Thank you – I’m grateful. ❤


  6. Took me * hours…. Damn typos! 😜

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Oh my! Look at all the Diana love…took my hours to scroll all the way down here! Hehe.

    I just thought I’d leave you a message saying thank you for picking my for your ‘Friday Pick’ feature. What a pleasant surprise to brighten up my day. What a sweetheart you are. Thank you so much for thinking of me and my blog. You have made my day! big smiles over here 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  8. I love your philosophy! I’m glad you stopped by my blog and I will be following yours now as well! So happy to meet.


  9. Thanks for the Friday pick, dear Diana.


  10. Happy Friday, Diana! I just tagged you in the Allergic to the Letter E Challenge. You can do it!


  11. Hey there, we just found your blog and are eager to give it a browse. We’ll be following you from here on out and checking in regularly.


  12. Just discovered a wonderful person who loves people as much as I do. I will be checking in often.


  13. Hi Diana – I’m so honored that you chose my story for your Friday pick! That was so sweet of you – thank you so very much! I’m also honored to know you and have your friendship as well. Thanks again. xoxo

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Thank you so much for the “nod,” Diana!


  15. Just found my way to your blog, and have been enjoying it immensely!


  16. Thank you so much for visit and kind words and the follow Diana, it’s highly appreciated! 🙂
    Now I look forward to see more of your blog. 🙂
    Have a wonderful weekend.
    Warm greetings from the North,
    Dina & co Xx


  17. Diana, as you can tell, I’m a little behind on my blog reading! I realized something was going on when all these new bloggers were coming to my blog saying Diana sent me! Thank you so much for featuring me in your Friday Pick 151! I am truly honored that you decided to shine a light on the gratitude I am consciously leaning into. It’s great to be on this playground called life with you. I love what you, me and so many other fellow boggers are co-creating in the world through our writing and sharing!


  18. Thank you so much for featuring my post as your Friday pick. So very kind of you!


  19. Hi Diana, Patty over at ‘I’m not sick boy!’ introduced you at my blog hop party which is currently underway. The party is on for the rest of the day and I do hope you can pop over and participate if you can. I can send you the link if it makes it easier. There are lots of other bloggers at the party and I’m sure they would like you to join them and their blogging communities.

    Have a great day, and very pleased to meet you.
    Best wishes,


  20. thank you so much for selecting and featuring my blog. that was very kind of you. – best, beth


  21. laurabednarz24 said:

    Thank you Diana for your help and sharing my blogs!!! :)))


  22. Oh, my gosh. You are so nice to give me such a big thumbs up. Wow, I am honored. Guess this means that I have succeeded in getting you to join the Pod people. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WLsjlmrQ6Mw

    I love the line: “Somebody or something wants this duplication to take place.” Guess that’s me.


  23. Dearest Diana, I just nominated you for the Premio Dardos Award. It is for artistic creativity in writing. You are artistic and creative, my friend. I know awards are a pain, but I took this one because I think it is honorable, and so I wish to pass it on to you, too.

    Accepting an award again because it’s a dart to the art of creativity


    • Thank you so much Mark. What an honour to be listed with so many creative people!

      I hope you understand when I tell you I don’t do awards because … well I’m lazy and/or it’s overwhelming and seems so cumbersome.

      I understand the value of awards, really I do, there are so many gifted people out there and that’s why I started my Friday Picks as a way to highlight my beautiful blogging friends, one at a time and to partially waylay my guilt over not doing awards.

      Again, thank you for nominating me. I am humbled.
      Diana xo


  24. Hi Diana, I want to let you know that I am nominating you for the Versatility Blogging Award. ❤️


  25. Diana, I love your new avatar pic! Beautiful!


  26. Your blog is fun! Keep up the good work :).


  27. Hello Diana! I’ve decided to read and follow 15 interesting and new blogs a day every day for the first month of 2015, and yours is today’s #13! Feel free to come visit me when you can at http://www.thatssojacob.wordpress.com, and follow if you like what you read. Happy new year and happy blogging!


  28. You went and done it. You went and followed Uncle Bardie’s Stories & Such. You are now one of Uncle Bardie’s Band of Merry Followers. Just so you know, Uncle Bardie’s a hoot, and he’s got quite a few whoppers in his bag of stories. Some funny, some not so funny. But all told for your entertainment. Thank you for following his blog.

    Liked by 1 person

  29. I appreciate you finding me, and sharing me, Diana. That may sound awkward but in the land of blogging. 😉 I’m so sorry it has taken me so long to get back to you, I’ve been quite under the weather for two days and trying to catch up. I’m glad you found me. 🙂


  30. Hello there Diana, I have nominated you for the One Lovely Blog Award. I realize you have an established blog with lots of followers but your blog is quite simply Lovely. I always enjoy your posts and our “WordPress friendship”. Keep the great content coming!


    • How very kind of you! I am truly humbled and grateful.

      I hope you will understand when I tell you that I do not participate in these awards. Not because people aren’t worthy of them; there are many great writers out there.

      In lieu of nominating bloggers I select one writer per week and feature them on my Friday Pick. To date I have featured 123 blogs!

      For more information, follow this link: https://talktodiana.wordpress.com/why-i-dont-do-awards/

      Thanks again for honouring me with a nomination. I am deeply touched.

      Diana xo

      Liked by 1 person

      • I completely understand. I love your Friday picks idea. My blog was one of your Friday Picks, which I was honored to be a pick by the way. By nominating some of my favorites I do not expect everyone to comply with the award. But more to let some of my favorite bloggers know how much I enjoy their blogs and their contributions. Happy blogging my friend 🙂


      • Yes, I felt that from you. Thanks for your kind words and for understanding.


  31. Diana, I wasn’t sure where to put a note to you, so hoping this finds you! Thank you for the Friday pick, such a fun thing to wake up to this, now thanks to you even finer Friday! Such sweet folks from your blog stopping by to comment and visit. You are generous in your Friday Pick tradition and I always find someone new and interesting and insightful from you and it’s a gift to be on this end of it. You are a generous spirit, we need more like you. Have a happy summery weekend! xo


  32. Diana thanks for stopping by my place and following I look forward in reading more from you too and happy that Jennifer sent you over to say hi. Your blog and beliefs are inspiring and comforting we need more people like you in the world


  33. Diana, I don’t know if I’ve ever read your “About” page before! You are a gift to the world (if I haven’t made that clear before). Better late than never, on both counts.


  34. Hello there,
    I have nominated you for The Dragon’s Loyalty Award! You can see the details on my blog at http://rachelcarrera.wordpress.com/2014/03/23/the-dragons-loyalty/. 🙂


  35. Wow! You are doing amazing things. Thanks for inspiring me and others!


  36. HI Diana, Thank you so much for posting Life is … Letting Go from http://www.FindYourMiddleGround.com on your friday pick. What a wonderful surprise!! I am honored to be on your friday pick list 🙂
    Sending you a virtual hug and big grin.
    Val x


  37. Hi, Diana,
    Congratulations! I have nominated your blog for the Wonderful Team Member Readership Award. You can find information at: http://rachelcarrera.wordpress.com/2014/03/11/wonderful-team-member-readership-award/
    Best wishes!


  38. Thank you for reminding us to appreciate, love and support each other. If we could all do that it would definitely make this world a better place……..Thanks for stopping by also…… much appreciated! 🙂


  39. justnicestuff1 said:

    Thanks so much for featuring my ‘Posh Brownies’! I’m glad you like them and keep reading!


  40. tinemagpayo said:

    Thank you very much for visiting my blog and for featuring it on yours! The kind gesture is highly appreciated. Happy holidays, dear 🙂


  41. Hi, Lady Di! I just dropped by to say, Merry Christmas!!!


  42. good to see


  43. Thank you, Diana, for everything.


  44. Thank you Diana for showcasing my post in your Friday picks. I’m so honored!


  45. prayingforoneday said:

    Please accept this Award
    I tried to give to new followers or now blog I liked.
    Thanks, Shaun
    Thank you


  46. ‘I believe in building community.’
    🙂 🙂


  47. RoxyUncut said:

    Diana you are a GEM!


  48. Dearest Diana,
    I can’t tell you how much I appreciate your Friday Pick 57 post.
    Thank you so much for sharing it with your readers and for your kind words.
    I’m really touched. It made my day. 🙂
    Andrea ❤


  49. Amazing profile! I have never visited Alberta but hope to do that soon. I can see they raise great people there!


    • Aww thanks so much Terry! Only I came here all growed up. I grew up with German parents in Quebec; I like to think of myself as a German seperatist! If you’re ever in Alberta, let me know and I will be your tour guide!


      • Thank you and I will take you up on the offer! 🙂
        I’ve been to Montreal but not further. I will certainly let you know when I visit. Like wise when you plan to visit NYC, let me know! 🙂


  50. You have a wonderful philosophy. Collaboration and community building can do so much to make the world a better place.

    I am honored that you selected A Hundred Years Ago as your Friday50 pick. Thank you!


  51. Deb Weyrich-Cody said:

    Hi Diana, I believe, that I like what you believe and, that if we all just listened for the things we have in common – in spite of differences in language, religion or culture – there would be so much less strife in the world…
    And, in spite of how bad things may get, it’s always better if we can laugh (even just a little bit) instead of cry: )


    • I agree Deb! Laughter is the best medicine! Every now and then crying cleanses our souls.

      What do you think it’s going to take for people to look past language, religion, culture, etc., and look for commonalities? And do you believe it’s possible?


      • Deb Weyrich-Cody said:

        Sorry for taking so long to see this… (Guess I missed the “follow up comments” button; )
        Do I believe we can get over the differences? Abso-friggin-lutely! I BELIEVE that it’s already happening. I BELIEVE that 95% of the world’s population is composed of people who know what’s right and try to do it (95% of the time)
        Oh, and about the “aboot” thing? I’m guessing it’s because of the Scottish(Gaelic) influence, but have you ever heard it said by someone from Nova Scotia?
        LOVE listening to local accents – VIVE LA DIFFÉRENCE and variety IS the spice of life!


  52. Diana- Thank you so much for choosing my blog for one of your Friday Picks. It humbles me, and I am honored.

    I have commemorated this Friday Pick with a banner on my sidebar which serves also, as a direct link to your blog. Hopefully, you approve.

    Thank you, again.



  53. thank you so much for visiting my blog…so glad we met
    take care


  54. Congratulations ~ I’ve nominated you for the WP Family Award! Please stop by to pick up your award ~ Hugs to you! http://misifusa.wordpress.com/2013/04/20/a-la-familia-wp-family-awards/


  55. I like your message Diana. Cheers from a fellow Canadian!



  56. You’ve got mail Diana! Pls check your email. 🙂 hugs (blushing)


  57. Best wishes for your journey. From a fellow Calgarian


  58. I can relate to this so well and I find your words inspiring. Sometimes it’s a bit scary, the fact that people really see the world only from their own position. Like there wasn’t any other people. People seem to think that once they are gone the whole world collapses. The greatest people are the ones who see themselves at the same line with others, without ever starting to question the whole thing.

    You are very warm hearted, Diana. I have alot of respect towards your kind of people and so many of the things you’ve done reminds me of someone of my closest friends. 🙂



  59. thoughtsfromanamericanwoman said:

    You have been nominated for the Sisters of the blogging world award. http://thoughtsfromanamericanwoman.wordpress.com/2012/11/28/the-heart-of-bloggers/
    Blessings, Patty


  60. Followed your inspiring blog! I look forward to hear what you’re going to write about. 🙂



  61. Diana, I just tried to sent you an email to the address above and it was returned. I’ve already connected with some wonderful bloggers thanks to you! I’d like to thank you for the Friday pick by giving you either a print or ebook copy of Tangerine Tango: Women Writers Share Slices of Life. Let me know which you’d like and send me your home address if you want the print.
    my email is lisakwinkler@gmail.com


  62. Thank you, thank you for the “Friday Picked!” I’m honored! Thanks so much. Have great weekend. xox. Lisa


  63. You are a dear ♥ Thanks for making me your Friday pick…. I am humbled ♥ paula


  64. Nice to meet you. I wandered over from mrs fringe. I look forward to exploring 🙂


  65. Jennifer S said:

    Since you closed your comments… I’ll have to thank you here! Diana! Thank you so much for making me a Friday Pick! I’m completely humbled and honored. Have a great weekend… and glad the post made you laugh.


    • dianasschwenk said:

      You’re most welcome! You are a gifted writer and I am always happy to see your posts show up in my inbox. You have a wonderful weekend as well. 🙂


  66. Ditto your well-balanced praise of Kina and ‘Human in Recovery’. I don’t let the week pass without checking in on her journey. Good stuff. Dan


  67. Hi Diana! I just wanted to stop by and let you know I’ve nominated you for the Addictive Blog Award 🙂 You can find out more about it here:

    Addictive Blog Award!


  68. hello,

    The toothstone game, in which you add 5 words to a story and pass it on has come your way. Thanks to some clever devil.

    I have no idea how it works, but you can the start here: http://resamcconaghy.com/2012/09/19/toothsome-story-game/

    and see Resa’s post here, http://resamcconaghy.com/2012/09/19/toothsome-story-game/

    and my 5 words here…. http://bwfiction.wordpress.com/2012/09/19/toothsome-story/

    oh my this is confusticating. But I look forward to seeing your 5 words on the story!


  69. Hello — I remember once you mentioned you hadn’t seen a goldfinch — here is one… hope you are well…



  70. 40 is the new 13 said:

    Hi, Diana! Weirdly, I thought I’d already followed you… just found out I was wrong. Hmmm. Technology. But I’m here now!


  71. Yep.. I think I’m going to enjoy your site… I’ve had a look at a few of your posts and so wanted to comment… but held back for now… till time is better for me.. But I will be following you from now on …I look forward to it…


  72. changeforbetterme said:

    Hi! I’ve nominated you for THE WONDERFUL TEAM MEMBER READERSHIP AWARD. You can read about this great award on my blog http://changeforbetterme.wordpress.com I’m nominating the blogs I thought deserved it, I do out of respect. It’s because I love how they always interact with other bloggers. Reading and commenting. They in my humble opinion represent the bloggers who support other bloggers in the best way! It is no way because I want to spam my blog, or get new readers. I really only want to honor other bloggers! Please don’t feel you are any way obligated in following the rules or doing anything other than accepting. thanks!


  73. thoughtsfromanamericanwoman said:

    Hi Diana, I am glad my fellow blogger friend reblogged your article. It is always nice meeting a fellow blogger who cares for our world. I look forward to reading up on your blog and getting caught up as well getting to know you through cyberspace! Blessings – Patty


  74. Hi Diana! I know you don’t do awards and I COMPLETELY understand and respect that. Just letting you know you are loved and appreciated! I love your blog and have nominated you for several awards! Please don’t feel obligated to participate – just know that you are appreciated. Here’s the post: http://newsofthetimes.org/2012/08/28/tuesday-tunes-ramble-on-and-awards-galore/ Keep up the great work!


  75. 40 is the new 13 said:

    Hi Diana… glad we connected! Can’t wait to read more as one of your followers.


  76. Hi there!! I love your blog and I nominated you for the Booker Award! Hope you will play along! http://newsofthetimes.org/2012/08/23/travel-photo-of-the-year-contest-and-the-booker-award/


    • You beautiful woman you! Thank you so much. I don’t do these, not for any philosophical reasons, just plain too overwhelming and time consuming for me. But please know that I value your blog and you. I started Friday Pick to highlight blogs that I am enjoying and have enjoyed how it’s connected a whole bunch of people I admire and respect. I hope that makes up for my laziness in some small way…I love reading your blog, you always make me think, you rock at starting discussions. I hope you can forgive me….keep writing, keep inspiring and peace to you. 🙂


      • I know – and feel no guilt. I love your Friday picks and have found a few great blogs to follow through it. Thanks so much for reading and engaging in the conversations!! I love your blog and am always inspired when I visit – so keep up the great work!!! I’m going to keep sending awards your way just to continue to show you lots of love – but just feel virtual hugs and keep up the great work! And absolutely no obligation!!


      • Oh my gosh! Thank you – I think I have a ‘girl crush’ on you! 😉


      • 😉 It’s completely mutual, my dear!


  77. changeforbetterme said:

    Hi, I really enjoy reading your blog and have nominated you for the “Inspiring Blog Award” and “One Lovely Blog Award.” There are a few rules to this nomination (these aren’t my rules, so do what you want…no pressure) you need to give a shout out to me, of course, tell us 7 things about yourself and then nominate 15 bloggers, that’s the tricky part, if you don’t have 15, don’t worry, just pass it on to someone….share the joy by following this link http://changeforbetterme.wordpress.com

    If you have all ready been nominated my apologies and pass it on anyway! We all love to be recognized for our work. Enjoy!


    • Thank you so much. I enjoy your blog as well. I am a bad award accepter in the sense that for whatever reason, overwhelmedness or laziness I do not do the the things needed to accept an award. But I do enjoy your blog and I am honoured by your gesture, please believe that. I started my Friday Pick post to highlight blogs that I have enjoyed during the week. I’m pretty sure one of yours will make it on that post in the near future. Darn it I feel so guilty!


      • changeforbetterme said:

        Oh I knew you didn’t “do” the awards Diana. I wanted to let you know how much I enjoy your blog so I nominated you! I love how you write and feel you deserve the awards whether you follow the “rules” or not. So don’t feel guilty please. Just enjoy! 🙂


      • Thank you for understanding and your graciousness. 🙂


  78. Hi Diana, I look forward to following your blog, I’m so glad you stopped by mine so I was able to find you 🙂


  79. Nice meeting you very sociable girl. 🙂

    Subhan Zein


  80. Thanks for liking my August 1st post!


  81. Thanks for liking my Inside post!


  82. I just found your blog and I’m looking forward to reading more!


  83. I couldn’t love your blog more. So, I nominated you for 4 awards!! newsofthetimes.org/2012/06/15/thank-yous-and-appreciation-an-embarassment-of-riches/ Do with these whatever feels right. Thanks for a fantastic blog!!


  84. I have nominated you for the One Lovely Blog Award. If you choose to accept the rules are posted here: geniespeaks.wordpress.com/2012/06/10/one-lovely-blog-award-2. If you choose not to accept; that’s okay, just know I really enjoy your blog.


  85. Nice to meet you on your blog .


  86. fivereflections said:

    nice to meet you
    David in Maine USA


    • likewise I’m sure! Thanks for stopping by 🙂


      • fivereflections said:

        glad i did…


      • fivereflections said:


        thanks for posting Five-Reflections as ‘Friday Pick 19’ and sending your friends to visit, some are even following – you have such a kind heart! I certainly appreciate your thoughtfulness, your posts and your friends that have dropped by…

        i’m really not a master at Haiku, i just reflect on the beautiful nature around me.

        Happy Autumn 2012


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