I first checked out Dan’s blog nine & a half hours ahead because he had re-blogged one of my posts. Once there, I really enjoyed what I saw so I began to follow.

This week, I’ve chosen the post below as my Friday Pick

In his own words, Dan says:

I am just another Soldier spending time away from my ‘real’ life.  My blog has turned out to be more of an outlet to share some of my pictures than my thoughts, which is probably a good thing.  I do not get any enjoyment from writing. I really enjoy taking pictures and it brings a smile to my face when I hear that others like them as well. 

I love this set of pictures and how they contrast the sun (nature) and the wire (man-made) and produce these visually stunning shots.

Go ahead and visit the link below

and tell him Diana sent you..

Wired sunset by Nine & Half Hours Ahead

*I close my comments on the Friday Pick in hopes that you will leave a comment on the writer’s page.