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A plant seemly overcoming all odds and reaching for the sunlight through a cement barrier. In the same way, when a community is engaged and working toward a common goal, anything is possible.

I have seen flowers come in stony places.

John Masefield

Often when we feel as though we are between a rock and a hard place, it is hard for us to imagine that anything good can come from the situation we are in. The weight of what we are going through feels like it will crush us.

I guess one of the benefits of getting older is that we begin to learn that ‘this too, shall pass.’

We remember that we’ve come through desperate circumstances before and although life feels rough and we are looking for a way out of the current darkness, the light will break through eventually.

The human spirit is amazing in its resiliency. It is so much stronger than we give it credit for. It is tenacious in its hunger for life. And just like the plant that found a way in my parking spot by pushing through the cement and reaching for the sunlight in the above photo, we can also find our way.

So the next time you find yourself in a stony place, remember the flowers, and know that you will find your way to the light too.