This takes me back to my wonderful childhood and how much fun we had playing outside and getting dirty. In this post Nancy talks about how much she enjoyed the long jump. I loved riding my bike with my friends. What was your favourite childhood activity?


A few days a go I was doing a little gardening.

Here is a totally gratuitous photo of my helper. Theo has nothing to do with this story, but I am addicted to taking pictures of his adorable self.

gardening help

So anyway, I am digging up weeds. I love pulling weeds – it is sort of a free association task for me. Sitting on the ground with the sun on my shoulders doing something so mindless – it allows my brain to travel to all sorts of interesting orbits.

I have new gardening gloves. I suffer from a severe allergy to poison ivy. My reaction is truly terrible, so my dermatologist told me to buy very cheap gloves and use them as disposable, since my gloves may come in contact with the satanic plants. But the problem is that I poke through the fingers of cheap gloves immediately. So this year…

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