We’ve all lost something that’s made us a little crazy while we search to find it.

Tric has really nailed how this affects us and sucks in those around us in this hilarious post about losing her phone – Enjoy!

My thoughts on a page.

Those of you who follow me on facebook will have read my plea for help last night.

Can all of holy Ireland and those with any influence please call on the all seeing St Anthony to find my phone. As a non believer he’llphoto credit: Open road via photopin (license) never listen to me, even if I promise my instant conversion. I took it home but it’s gone. So demented here that I’ve even looked in the dish washer and hot press for it.

By the time I posted it I was… well lets just say I had gone past the growling ‘Ah lads where is my feckin phone?’ stage and moved into the snapping, ‘I have looked in the car a thousand times already!’ stage. Those left in the hunt for my phone were brave, and certainly not doing it for the gratitude I was showing them. As I sat in a huff asking social…

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