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My parents are children of the war. Growing up in war-torn Berlin during WWII, they were no strangers to hunger and fear.

That’s why they worked so hard to carve out a better life for me and my brother. They were determined that we would never, ever feel the pangs of hunger or feel unsafe.

And they were determined that we would be well-behaved, polite and respectful people.

Come join me on a little walk down memory lane.

That’s Rex the dog in that picture with me and Debbie. Debbie is the oldest child of my brother’s God Parents.

I can distinctly remember ALWAYS wanting to wear that dress in the fifth picture – it was my absolute favourite dress!

Before my brother and I started school, we moved into a house in the suburbs. My dad sold part of his stamp collection to put a down payment on our family home. It was awesome to grow up on Edgewood Drive. That’s where we learned to roller-skate, ride bikes, skip rope, hula hoop and so much more.

Yes my parents were determined that we would be well-behaved, polite and respectful people.

... just a few years later

It just goes to show that not everything turns out the way you plan it.


Do you have a favourite memory about your childhood home? Do you think you turned out according to plan?