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You can’t always get what you want… ~ Rolling Stones

Opa Schwenk, Berlin 1973

Opa Schwenk, Berlin 1973

I’ve spent the last few days tearing my house apart looking for an old picture.

I recently connected with an old friend on Facebook.

Some 35+ years ago, four of us dressed up like the members of KISS for Halloween.

I had the picture. I’ve seen as recently as three years ago, but I can’t find it now. 😦

Not getting what you want, is not unique to me – it has been a reality throughout human history.

I have not found said photo. But I’ve found treasures I didn’t even remember having; including today’s photo of Opa.

Once when my grandparents were visiting us in Canada, Opa walked to our local shopping Centre to pick up some supplies.

My folks were at work and us kids were in school.

When I got home, he handed me a box of Tampax, asking if I could use them.

Apparently Tampax made tissues in Germany. He wanted tissues. Tampons weren’t of use to him unless he stuck them up his nose.


Have you found what you’re looking for?