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How very softly you tiptoed into my world. Almost silently, only a moment you stayed.

But what an imprint your footprints have left upon my heart. ~ D. Ferguson

But what an imprint your footprints have left upon my heart. ~ D. Ferguson

Today is Jesse’s birthday.

In many ways, his birth was very much like that of others.

Except Jesse was still-born.

I knew he was dead before they induced labour.

The room was reverently quiet.

As if everyone there was a silent witness paying their first and last respects.

In a way, giving birth to Jesse was one of the most beautiful experiences I’ve ever had. He may have died within me, but I think being born was a rite of passage for him; and for me.

Had he lived, Jesse would be turning 22 today.

I have never really talked about him much.

Not because I wasn’t deeply affected by his death.

Because I was.

I felt him grow inside me.

I felt him move within.

I talked to him every day.

And I held his still body in my arms.

To me he was a person who lived

and died. 


Happy Birthday my son – until we meet again