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I love easy surveys!

I love easy surveys!

We’re finally getting spring in these parts and I can feel the vitamin D from the sun lifting my countenance.

Yesterday our temperatures hit 19c (67f) and I spent as much time outside as I possibly could. It was nice to see people sitting on outdoor patios and enjoying the sunshine.

17th Avenue comes alive when the weather is warm.

In other news, my business cards were delivered the other day and I’m currently working on content for a brochure for The Other Bottom Line.

I read somewhere recently, that if you have a good idea, people naturally come alongside and begin to help you.

And this has been happening big time. A good friend gave me a new computer and multi-function printer. A previous colleague and friend has edited some materials for me and another past colleague provided me with templates for invoices and contracts, sparing me the trouble of re-inventing the wheel!


I now have two paying clients, with a possible third next month, and one client that I am providing services for as a volunteer.

So things are looking up work-wise, weather-wise and otherwise!