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At the end of the game, the Pawn and the King go in the same box. ~ Italian proverb

Chess_king_and_pawns_thumb[4]I saw this quote on another blog the other day. It was one of 15 points to encourage readers as they move into 2014.

It got me to thinking how we sometimes believe that only the leader (king)  makes a difference. It is (s)he who sets the agenda, calls all the shots and leaves their mark.

The rest are the followers (pawns),  the ones who fulfill the wishes of the King.

Do we associate leadership with recognition and fame?

Does ground-breaking change only happen through those in high power or does it also start with someone on the ground floor who knows the lay of the land?

Sometimes those who change the world do so in secret. No red carpet is rolled out for them. No News team is dispatched to cover their story. No one even speaks their name when they’re gone.

Their work takes a life-time; one person at a time. Their values, dreams and traditions are passed onto their children.

And in the end the King and Pawn go in the same box.