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Worrying is carrying tomorrow’s load with today’s strength–carrying two days at once. It is moving into tomorrow ahead of time. Worrying does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow; it empties today of its strength. ~ Corrie ten Boom


photo credit: PositivityBlog

photo credit: PositivityBlog

We all do it.

Most of the time our fears don’t play out as scary as we had imagined, if they are realized at all.

And if they do – we figure it out – we find a way.

Sometimes we even look back and are thankful our plans did not work out at a certain time.

Maybe its time had not yet come. Maybe we weren’t ready.

I know that I am way less stressed when I:

Trust the process

Trust my instincts

Trust the right doors to open at the right time

Trust and continue to follow my heart.

Maybe things don’t work out the way I planned.

But worrying about it before it happens only serves to fill me with fear in the NOW.

Who knows…it may even work out better than I had originally hoped.

Today’s quote suggested to me by Tracy Lee Karner