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“Love has nothing to do with what you are expecting to get, it’s what you are expected to give — which is everything.” Author unknown

The Southern Alberta Flood has left its mark.

Tens of thousands have been directly affected. A larger number have responded.

Will we remember the devastation? I’m sure this story will be told for a long time.

Thousands of volunteers have helped without wanting anything in return.

Thousands have reached out saying if the tables were turned they know the same compassion would be extended to them.

From rolling up their sleeves and getting dirty shoulder-to-shoulder with those affected, delivering meals to volunteers and raising funds through lemonade stands – people have given of themselves.

Every time I hear a story of gratitude I am moved to tears. In the face of losing so much, love and human kindness have prevailed.

Yes, the story of the Alberta flood will be told for a long time in these parts.

But what really stands out to me is the giving.

Jesus said, “Love thy neighbour as yourself…”

I know I’ve been witness to this in action over the last 10 days.

Well done Alberta!