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I am teary-eyed today. I think the shock and disbelief has worn off. I have been blown away by those coming in from the outside to help. Oh how my faith in humanity is affirmed and well-placed by the response from others to this devastating flood that is devouring Southern Alberta. Below some unconfirmed stats.

  • 2500 troops have been deployed to many areas to do whatever is needed to help communities affected by the flooding.
  • 300 Reservists are on standby in Calgary
  • 100 Edmonton police have come here to help.
  • dozens of leisure centres and Legions have opened their doors to provide shelter and food to displaced citizens.
  • The City of Calgary’s Mayor, Aldermen, first responders, health providers, social agencies are working long hours alongside hundreds, if not thousands of volunteers.
  • Visits and assurances of financial assistance when we start to rebuild have come from our Premier and Prime Minister.

I am so proud of you Calgary! A city that was built on the backs of ranchers and entrepreneurs. A city that does not lay down in defeat. A city that boldly claims that its internationally attended Calgary Stampede (due to take place in a few weeks) will not be postponed even though the Stampede grounds are under water and the Saddledome is flooded to the 10th row of seats!

If anyone can pull it off, Calgary – you can!

On a personal note, I am one of the lucky ones who has not been evacuated, although my neighbourhood is within blocks of evacuated communities. Calgary’s downtown core is shut down with no power and many streets are still under water. It’s like a ghost town, quiet and eerie. It is so sad. It is so unbelievable. And yet I’m reminded of a quote that speaks to the truth and hope within humanity:

“Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of the overcoming of it.” -Helen Keller

My thoughts and prayers continue to be with those who have lost so much. Below are some pictures that were floating around on my facebook homepage and come from an album that was shared by AMP Radio.