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First Things First

I have a new look! Well not me exactly. My blog. Some of you already noticed the change. Leave it to me to introduce it 3 days after it’s live, right?

I like the Orange TALKTODIANA. I once did that True Colours personality test and I’m an orange. It’s a bold colour – it says, “Hey – look at me!”

Don’t you think?

I like the cleaner easier-to-read font. My eyesight has waned and this WordPress theme has more white space making the letters easier to distinguish from each other. It’s also way more discernible where links are concerned – which will be AWESOME for my Friday Picks!

I like how it features photos I’ve used in past posts.

It seems fitting – a new look for a new chapter in my life.

Friends I have had an incredible year of learning and self-discovery. Who says you can’t teach an old dog new tricks?

In this last year I have had an opportunity to work with six intelligent, professional, dedicated and passionate people. I’ve learned more than I ever could have imagined possible. I have a great deal of respect for them. Did we always see eye-to-eye? No. It wasn’t all sugar and bliss. Sometimes I was even frustrated. Hey, I’m sure they all felt the same way too at times.

The truth is, if we all agreed all the time, well then, a whole lot of us probably wouldn’t be necessary, right? Shouldn’t the end goal always be to get the best result or product while honouring and respecting the process and people?

The process of figuring out how I fit into an already established team and armed with valuable feedback and insights, I am looking forward to a time of evaluating and re-assessing where my skills and natural abilities will be of good use.

Starting today, I will be very intentional about devoting time to the development of a plan that will guide me into the future. I’m excited. I’m ready for the next chapter! Stay tuned for updates!

I’m very open to your thoughts and insights as I take these first steps. So if you have any wisdom to share, I’d love to hear it.

And now completely of topic and out of left field…

My mom made this Japanese needlework (Bunka) and gifted it to me a few years ago. Imagine my surprise when I saw this same art (the first photo in her post) hanging on stuff I tell my sister’s wall!



Orange you glad I didn’t say banana?