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“Life is mostly froth and bubble. Two things stand like stone – Kindness in another’s trouble, Courage in your own.” ~ Adam L. Gordon

I have found this to be true.ebbandflow

Not that there aren’t incredible highs and devastating lows…

But in the grand scheme of things these moments slip into the ebb and flow of everyday life.

I remember a particular funeral of a friend who died at much too young an age.

His passing was sudden.

It felt like time was moving in slow-motion.

I didn’t hear a word the minister was saying. I wasn’t really aware of who was sitting around me.

Shock. Yes shock is the best word to describe how I felt.

Leaving the cemetery on that unusually warm spring day, I remember seeing birds and squirrels, families were laughing and playing, people hailing taxis and so on.

Didn’t they know what just happened? Didn’t the circumstances warrant a moment of silence?

No, everywhere life continued as if nothing or no one was lost.

We walk this earth through joys and sorrows digging deep for courage to carry our loads and reaching out with kindness to those carrying theirs.