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WordPress notified me this morning that I’ve been blogging for a year!

And I am feeling grateful today.

Random Photo: Doing my part to bring sexy back to ATVing clothing...

Random Photo: Doing my part to bring sexy back to ATVing clothing…

Grateful that I have this site to unleash my words upon.

Grateful that I have met so many awesome people around the world.

Grateful for my faithful readers (YOU).

You have taught me so much in your thoughtful comments and provocative posts.

One year. Wow! Where did the time go?

In the beginning…

Originally I was posting every day. And one day a friend told me I would run out of things to say every day and I did!

Right after she said that!

It’s funny how that happens.

So I cut myself a break and decided to post only on Sundays (Diana’s Enormous Book of Quotes) and Wednesdays (Hump Day Chronicles)

Shortly after that, after having received several nominations for awards and feeling incredibly overwhelmed by all the work it is to accept these awards, I started up my Friday Pick as a way to highlight one post I had enjoyed that past week.


My most read post has been: What are you doing to build community? with 1,143 views.

The top 3 countries to view my posts have been USA 6,474, Canada 4,781 and Australia 1,123 and there have been hundreds of people from other countries, some I’d never heard of, who have stopped by to visit!

My top 3 commenters are: Artsifrtsy at the eff stop, Wyrd Smythe at Logos con carne and billgncs at bwthoughts and they, along with all my other blogging friends, have become such a wonderful blessing to me.

Thank you

I just want to say a great big Thank You to all of you who have shared my journey and yours with me and have made me laugh, have encouraged me when I felt vulnerable, and who have changed my perspective on the world through sharing your beautiful stories and insights with me.

Thank you to WordPress for this awesome blogging site. I was looking for a place to share my thoughts. I found that here. But I found much more – I found a wonderful online community of beautiful people.