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I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear ~ Martin Luther King Jr.

As you can see for yourselves, the world did not end on December 21st.

But maybe the way we do business in this world should end.End-of-the-world-Dec-21-2012

As previously written by the brilliant and beautiful Magnolia Beginnings

we  have an opportunity to conduct ourselves in a new way.

One of the ways we can do this is to choose love over hatred.

It’s up to me

It’s up to you

One person, one heart at a time, is all it would take.

I know, it’s hard to love sometimes…

but hatred takes much more energy.

Negative thoughts breed more negative thoughts

and often we, who have them, suffer the most.

Are you someone who makes New Year resolutions?NEVER-~1

Will you consider changing the way you do business in 2013?

Perhaps, like me, you will choose love…

when someone believes differently than you

when things don’t work out quite the way you planned them

and it feels like the entire world is against you.

Let’s start with the person nearest to us.

Let’s choose love.

DEBQ BannerWishing you and yours a 2013 filled with love