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I’ve written about community before here. But today I am writing to you – the community member.

Do you have any idea how important you are to others?

They need you.

And you need them.

I believe YOU have a mission and are equipped with the exact right talents, education, experience and passion YOU need to accomplish it.

I believe that every person/skill YOU need is right there sitting around the table with you and together you can change the world.

I believe YOU owe it to the world to courageously step out and do your part because that thing…

that thing you are passionate about…

that dream for a better way that sets your heart on fire…

makes you the community member your community needs.


Perhaps You have invested in your education.

You have an impressive degree and are eager to share your knowledge. You understand systemic issues and are able to paint a picture of a better future. You are strategic and have learned a new global way of thinking.

I respect what you’ve achieved.

Your community needs you to use your knowledge and your life experiences for the good of all – to apply it in helpful and practical ways.

A word of caution:

The highest result of education should be tolerance and inclusion.


Perhaps You graduated from high school and began to work immediately to support yourself . Maybe you started a family right away. You have sacrificed much to get ahead and provide for your family. You have worked hard and long hours to get where you are today.

You don’t have many luxuries in life but what you have is worth more than possessions – you are creating a better future for the next generation. I am in awe of your determination and commitment.

Your community needs you to use your knowledge and what you’ve learned for the good of all – to apply it in helpful and practical ways.

A word of caution:

Do not let your hard work ethic and your pride prevent you from recognizing the value of others who have different backgrounds and ideas.


Perhaps You struggled with school or just plain had no access. You did what you had to do to survive.  You are unbelievably resourceful. You know how to stretch a dollar. You have what it takes to create your own break.

The highest percentage of entrepreneurs come from your ranks. You dream of a better future – and you know exactly what it looks like. I am inspired by you.

Your community needs you to use your knowledge and what you’ve learned for the good of all – to apply it in helpful and practical ways.

A word of caution:

Do not resign yourself into believing that you have nothing to offer. Summon your courage and speak your views. Champion those who aren’t yet ready to do so for themselves.


A word of encouragement:

It doesn’t matter who you are

It doesn’t matter what your background is or where you come from

or which category, or anywhere in between them you are.

Get up and sit at the table because your community needs you to use what you know for the good of all – in helpful and practical ways.

Post Script: On my best days, when I’m at the top of my game, I truly believe this to be true.

Just like anyone else though, I have my doubts sometimes – like recently – and I feel like an imposter who could be exposed as a fraud at any moment.  

Although this post is addressed to you, it also serves to remind me of the significance of community and more importantly – the value and necessity of each member – you and yes, even me.

What is your passion?

What sets your heart on fire?

What are you doing about it?