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In the real world, you don’t always get what you want. You will be better able to deal with that as an adult if you’ve experienced it as a child. – Dr. Phil


You were right Mom and Dad. NO is not the end of the world.

NO taught me that I would have to choose carefully.

NO taught me that I would have to save for what I want.

NO is a necessary part of growing up.

NO meant that if I really want something, I have to work for it.

NO taught me the value of money and that there are more important things than money.

NO taught me to withstand defeat.

NO made me independent and more determined than ever.

Saying NO is one of the most loving things you did because…

What I want is not always what I need.

Disappointment hurts, but it doesn’t incapacitate me.

I know my strengths, I trust my instincts.

I know what heights I can climb, even when things don’t go my way.

And I know the glorious view that awaits me when I get there.

Is it hard for you to say NO?